Treatment вальгусной legs in a child aged 1 year and older leads to a bias of the forecast — the probability of complete removal of the problem is approaching 100%.

In orthopaedic diseases in children change of foot – the most common pathology. Represents the curvature of the lower limbs after internal side. Develops under the influence of various external and internal factors. Changing the shape of the foot: move the axis, the heel looks out the window, the inner surface of the foot — inside, деформируются fingers. When firmly squeezed his knees, the distance between the лодыжками is 4-5 see

When late detection in advanced cases of the disease in adolescence, problems with the spine. The later treatment is started, the less chance of a full recovery.


Deformity of the foot in children is usually a congenital anomaly, or is obtained патологией. In all cases – it is bad placement of the feet in relation to each other. Changes lead to the fact that the main load when walking falls on their inner surface of the legs. Symptoms in children under 3 years of talking about the changes on the stage of pregnancy. Diagnosis is an orthopedic surgeon after a thorough survey.


The factors, which is impetus to the development of pathology, include:

  • lack of nutrition;
  • poor diet;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body (lack of calcium and/or vitamin D), which will lead to ломкости and the softness of the bone tissue;
  • early walking baby on your feet;
  • incorrectly matched shoes;
  • frequent ARI;
  • injury of the ankle joint;
  • long immobility of the lower limbs due to positioning in a cast.

If a child starts to walk soon (within 1 year), or to force him to parents, in many cases, it is the foot deformed. At an early age is the formation of connective tissue, which often are not ready for the burden.


Congenital anomalies of development the pain of muscular system of children — strain, which develop during pregnancy in mothers, and to take effect after birth. The degree of curvature in the case of congenital вальгусной deformation is very pronounced. It is associated with various malformations of individual parts of the musculoskeletal system, abnormalities in the fetus's genes or chromosomes. Occurs a breach of any arrangement of the bones of the legs and their form in the womb. Деформирование feet is manifested already in the first months after the arrival of the child on light.

An example of a genetic disorder is a syndrome Edwards – certain anomalies of chromosomes, which occurs in a severe degree of curvature of the legs of the newborn – stop-rocking-chair.

Other reasons of congenital вальгусной legs in a child subject to a number of diseases, which are diagnosed with the first weeks of life:

  • in 80% of cases of dysplasia of the connective tissue with a congenital injury of the thigh;
  • myodystrophy;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • polio and other infections of the central nervous system;
  • neuropathy – pathology of peripheral nerves.

Acquired form — the result of the action of one or more of the factors already after birth of the child. Originally the main reason — weak apparatus of the legs, which leads to the violation of its proper position. This condition is diagnosed in the first days after the birth of a child. On the development of pathology can affect:

  • premature births or the birth with a small weight of the body;
  • overweight in a child;
  • endocrine pathology (diabetes, hypothyroidism);
  • metabolic disorders (osteoporosis, disorders of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism).


Pain in the legs at the end of the day – the most common complaint of a child in the deformation of the foot. Objectively the pathology is manifested by the following common characters:

  • unstable gait while walking from side to side;
  • education on the soles of the feet corns;
  • constantly divorced fingers;
  • a little bit of trouble when trying to put the heel together.

It determines three types of the disease:

  1. Cross — extension of the front compartment legs with a strong tension of the muscles and tendons that are responsible for the разгибание fingers. This will cause the child pain.
  2. Longitudinal — manifested with the change of the gait, the shape of the foot (in her palpation appear severe pain), fatigue from a long stay on his feet due to discomfort and pain.
  3. Combined.

Developing the basically two types of foot deformities:

  • X-shaped (in the direct squeezing of the knee the distance between the inner surfaces between the ankles is greater than 5 cm, legs as if to watch out);
  • varus – Of-shape.


We distinguish four stages of development of the pathology:

  • I — a mild form of the disease — is characterized by деформацией feet not more than 15°, good treated;
  • Phase II — a curvature of up to 20°, refers to the therapeutic treatment;
  • III degree — the deformation up to 30°, does not require long intensive care;
  • IV degree — severe – deviation from the norm is more than 30°.


Deformity of the big toe the feet in a child can be self-патологией. The curvature of the first finger depends on the neglect of the pathology. Repair of the seeds is carried out with the use of:

  • physiological treatment;
  • installation ортезов;
  • the operating methods.


Correction of changes of the feet in children means the restoration of the normal position of the joints, muscles and ligaments of the feet. The goal of treatment — the ability to walk without pain and discomfort. Therapy should be comprehensive. For the treatment of вальгусной the legs of the child are used:

  • conservative;
  • operating;
  • an alternative method (osteopathy – allows you to heal almost all, in addition to the genetically conditioned, патологию).

Conservative includes:

  • treatment;
  • kinesiotherapy;
  • orthotics;
  • of rehabilitation medicine.


Drugs in the X-image a violation of the lower limbs apply for the alleviation of inflammation and relief from joint pain. The intake of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), or GCS is appointed with the aim of symptomatic. It operates in the short run, dangerous for a child's organism side effects.


The modern method of treatment is kinesiotherapy — an innovative method in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In its basis – the impact on the muscles by using a special tape – kinesiotherapy. Method name arose from two words: "kinesiot" means movement, "teip" – in fact tape. It is the imposition of a special tape made of an elastic material on the adhesive basis, not the caller's allergies. Method teip designed several years ago by a japanese doctor Kenzo Касе to treat sports injuries. Later got extended. Kinesiotherapy in вальгусной deformity of the forefoot in children is widely used in the last time. It is related to the safety of the method: during its use, absent restrictions in movement, discomfort, arise allergies.


The fabric from which it is made teip:

  • has a fiber structure;
  • well leak air;
  • does not hold sweat;
  • is not causing pain or discomfort;
  • is not bound movements;
  • not afraid of water, you can swim, without lifting the tape.

Right наклеивание teip accelerates the regeneration of joints, ligaments and muscles without the use of drugs, may stop the progression of the pathological changes. This safe method helps:

  • the cessation of the pain;
  • to prevent further progression of the disease;
  • a complete cure.

The rules of kinesiotherapy:

  • teip is stored only on clean and dry skin;
  • the longer the operation kinesiotype to be the edges to do the round;
  • after gluing the teip растирают, activate it.


In the flat arch of the foot is changing muscle tissue, which leads to disruption of blood circulation, and further – to the development of sustained processes. So massage is an essential part of the treatment. This is one of the physiotherapy methods, impact. Special skills for its implementation is not necessary, so you can do at home. The course is 10 sessions, if necessary, is recommended to repeat every 3-4 months. The total time of holding one session – 20-30 minutes. To start you need to from the overall massage – baby in a lying down position on his belly with stretched along the body hands and повернутой to the sides of the head. The movement and pressure of the hand would cause pain.


Child массажируют:

  • backrest;
  • поясничную area;
  • buttocks;
  • the muscles and joints of the feet, the soles of the feet.

They are used in the following ways:

  • stroking;
  • растирание;
  • kneading;
  • pat;
  • strikes the back of his hand;
  • щипание;
  • shake.

The application of massage should:

  • eliminate an increased tone of the muscles of the foot and lower leg;
  • help to get rid of excess tension;
  • strengthen weak muscles that contribute to proper function of the whole muscular apparatus;
  • improve blood flow to the muscles, ligaments, bones – it strengthens their food, normalizes the growth and development of the lower limbs;
  • treat патологию in the early stages.

In toddlers aged up to 2 weeks, so that the method eliminates the serious health problems, including дисплазию the hip joints. In this case, applies to structural therapy – this is a specially developed methodology, point and vibration massage. With their help, is the distributed load on the joints. The result of the action – improving the vascularity and disappearance of pain.


The physical therapy app, in вальгусной deformity of the forefoot in children allows to correct disturbances in the joints and treat the disease in the early stages. Widely used:

  • foot baths;
  • wrap feet with wax;
  • electrophoresis with the use of calcium;
  • amplipulse therapy(effects on the body синусоидальными streams, вырабатываемыми apparatus Amplipulse);
  • wearing the proper footwear;
  • therapeutic swimming;
  • therapeutic physical training;
  • the magnetic therapy.


In the initial stages of the deformation of the foot at the child's untreated performance of special exercises. Their regular use helps to repair nearly all faults in the joints. For this the elements of medical gymnastics, conduct daily. The designation of the exchange rate movement therapy is individual, depends on the nature of the deformation. Included elements of the game that the child could meet the elements for the correct number.

A day you need to:

  • walk on носочках and heels (first with raised, then clenched fingers on his feet) for 5 minutes;
  • compress and decompress fingers on the feet, while sitting on the floor with stretched legs;
  • lifting from the floor small items;
  • walk barefoot on uneven surface (that you can do at home on the pebbles), on the outer edge of the foot;
  • ride legs a pillow or a small bead of wood;
  • rotate ступнями from left to right and vice versa;
  • squat without the interruption of feet from the floor.

Child needs:

  • walking along a narrow trail, it can be done at home from the fabric, or just paint;
  • walk on бордюру on the street, and in the summer barefoot on earth, sand, grass.


Incorrectly matched the shoes with the passage of time can deform the soles of the feet and bend the toe. Quality shoes contributes to the normal development of the leg muscles. In its selection it is necessary to take into account:

  • corresponding to the size of the foot, convenience and comfort;
  • manufacture from natural materials;
  • the lack of acute noses and каблука in footwear for teens.

The right shoes should have a closed hard heel, супинатор. Not allowed extended wear босоножек without a fixed heel.

For the treatment of the feet and are recommended a special orthopedic products:

  • insole;
  • holder;
  • leg warmers;
  • tires.


The best prevention of problems with your feet — walking barefoot. This is a must do not only on a flat surface (the floor in the apartment), but even on uneven terrain. If the child cannot be run on the ground, grass, and various кочкам, the alternative is the Swedish wall, which parents can buy and install in the nursery the baby. With him working all the muscles and ligaments of the feet while climbing on it. They are suitable for walking barefoot the children's rugs with distinctive elements, which can be purchased in baby store or ортопедическом salon.



Treatment curvature of the legs in children is done the conservative way. Radical intervention applies in the absence of effect from the conducted treatment in older children, when the foundation of the musculoskeletal system is already created, not active no growth of the ligaments. Surgical correction consists of several stages of the operational procedures and long period of rehabilitation, is held in the fourth stage of the disease, when:

  • intense pain in the стопе worries constantly;
  • develops stiffness (stiffness) of the joint.

Types of direct operational intervention a lot. So the operation is planned on the basis of the degree of diseases of the feet, the availability of variations of the limb.


Bad feet lead to changes throughout the musculoskeletal device. This is due to the неравномерной load. Arises:

  • shortening or deformity of the foot;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis of the various divisions of the spine.

In a child:

  • spoil the walking;
  • they are still in sight physical exertion (running, active games) because of the pain and inflammation in the joints.